My eyes have been widened as I have learned some history that goes without speaking but is none the less, quite important.

I recently found out that Jewish people do not say “Amen”, however they do say “Amein” which sounds like (ah-mane).  I was curious to know if there was any difference so I did a quick search and found quite a few articles however I found this one to have the best information.

I will copy from that for easy reading:

Amen or Amein?

The Hebrew of the First Covenant [Old Testament] reveals to us that the Scriptural Hebrew word (which means: so be it, or verily or surely) is “Amein” (Phonetic Spelling is “aw-mane”) and not “Amen”. Anyone can confirm this in Strong’s Concordance, No 543 in its Hebrew Lexicon, or in Aaron Pick’s Dictionary of Old Testament Words for English Readers.

I personally write it as “Ahmein” – it sounds exactly the same as the phonetic spelling and does NOT ALTER the word, nor does it alter the pronunciation of the word!

The letters “ah” appears TWICE in Almighty Father Y-ah-u-ah’s Name and ONCE in Messiah Y-ah-u-sh-a’s Name! In them everything is established (so be it)!

Why then, has this Scriptural word “Amein” been rendered as “Amen” in our versions? Again we can see how the pagans have been made welcome, been conciliated, by adopting the name of pagan deity into the Church.

The Egyptians, including the Alexandrians, had been worshipping, or been acquainted with, the head of the Egyptian pantheon, Amen-Ra, the great Sun-deity, for more than 1 000 years, B.C.E. Before this deity became known as Amenra – he was only known as Amen among the Thebians. This substitution of “Amen” for “Amein” was greatly facilitated by the fact that this Egyptian deity’s name was spelt in Egyptian hieroglyphic language with only three letters: AMN.

On the other hand, the Egyptian deity AMN is rendered by various sources as AMEN, or AMUN, or as AMON. However, the most reliable Egyptologists and archaeologists, such as Sir E.A. Wallis Budge, Dr. A.B. Cook, Prof. A Wiedemann, Sir W.M.F. Petrie, and A.W. Shorter, as well as some authoritative dictionaries, all render the name of this Egyptian deity as AMEN. This AMEN was originally the Theban “hidden god who is in heaven” — “the hidden one, probably meaning hidden sun”. Funk and Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary, describes it, “AMEN: In Egyptian mythology, the god of life and procreation… later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called ‘Amen-Ra’.

“James Bonwick, Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought”, repeatedly and frankly calls the Sun-deity of Egypt by its correct name: AMEN. He states on pp. 123-125, “AMEN … is in a sense, the chief deity of Egypt – supreme divinity. Whatever else he is, he must be accepted as the sun … the hidden god, the solar aspect is clear … there is the disk of the sun … the sun Amen … His identification with Ba’al … establishes him as a solar deity ….”

Smith’s Bible Dictionary expresses AMEN as, “an Egyptian divinity … he was worshipped … as Amen-Ra, or ‘Amen the Sun’.” Herodotus recorded for us how the Greeks identified their Zeus with Amen-Ra.

Yahusha Messiah calls Himself “the Amein” in Rev 3:14.

Substituting a title or name of Yahusha with the name of the great hidden Sky-deity or the great Sun-deity of the Egyptians, Amen, is inconceivable! The difference is subtle, but it is there. By ending our prayers “Amen” instead of “Amein”, one could very well conclude: We have been misled to [unintentionally] invoke the name of the Egyptian Sun-deity at the end of our prayers!

From the Book “Come out of Her My People” by C.J. Koster Edited by PierreRock Eksteen


So interesting find… I wanted to validate some of what I just read, so I did a search on Amen-Ra, and Amen comes up over and over, as well as many sites based upon exactly what we just read.

However the most interesting read by far was this site:

This website fills in a lot of the details however towards the end, it is in direct conflict with the last page, as this page feels saying “Amen” is not bad, however after what I have read,

I have copied most the site here for easy reading:

(If you want the real juicy stuff scroll down to Is Amen-Ra Good?)



The ancient Egyptian god/idol Amen-Ra has been resurrected.  When the Afrikania “Mission” realized that they could promote African traditional religion by uniting it around a single god, they faced a problem.  Which one, of the hundreds or thousands worshiped in Africa?  How would one be considered better than another?  And wouldn’t the devotees of other shrines feel slighted if the god of another shrine was chosen to be the “biggie”?

The answer was to go back to an ancient god.  Through what must have been a rather arbitrary process, the ancient god/ idol Amen-Ra, once worshiped in Egypt was chosen and declared to be the supreme god.

In doing so, Afrikania bypassed the Supreme Creator God the All-Powerful, the Eternal One known by virtually all African cultures and expressed by various names.  His existence is acknowledged everywhere, but He is seldom worshiped.




Who was Amen-Ra?

Amen was an ancient Egyptian deity, first a local deity worshipped in the area of Thebes.  When the two kingdoms of Egypt united, early in Egyptian history, he grew in importance until he emerged as the chief deity.  This did not take place until the 18thDynasty (1570-1293 B.C.).

Amen means “that which cannot be seen,” for as a local deity Amen had been the god of the wind.  Later, as the chief deity, he was considered king of the gods.

As was often the case in Egyptian religion, this god was often combined with others, thus pleasing the worshippers of those deities.  Especially effective was his combination with Ra, the sun god.  Ra was believed to be the father of all living things and the physical father of all the Pharaohs.

In modern times some extremists like the Afrikania Mission and others have rejected the Christian God in favor of this ancient Egyptian deity, calling themselves “children of Amen-Ra.”


Is Amen-Ra the Creator?

Amen-Ra is not generally regarded as the oldest of the gods worshiped inEgypt.  Usually the oldest religion is claimed for Horus, the Hawk-god. 1

At times in Egyptian history, devotees of Amen-Ra claimed hE was the Creator, thus some dictionaries of Egyptian mythology claim Amen was self-created in the beginning.  Yet other dictionaries follow older records claiming that Amen was one of eight gods made by Thoth.   Thus the earlier Egyptians saw Amen as a created being, not the creator.  Yet neither was Thoth the creator, for they believed he was created by Ra-Atum, the sun god, represented by a bull.  One might claim they thought of Ra-Atum as the creator, for they said he created himself out of the primeval waters of Nun.  (Other legends say it was from one of the four original frog gods and snake goddesses that he was created.)

Yet if he created himself out of any snake or frog god or goddess or any waters, then those gods or waters existed before him and he did not create them.  Then someone else created them and Ra-Atum is not the ultimate Creator, either.

In fact, it is probably obvious by now that the Egyptians recognized that there must be a Creator, but they were pretty confused about who He was, and there were many contradictory stories.

It was common for priests of each god to claim that their god was the greatest and possessed special powers.  For instance, devotees of Hapi, God of theNile, also claimed that Hopi was creator of the Universe and all in it.  Creative powers were claimed for a number of gods—Nun, Tem, Ra, Ptah, Atum, and others–but these claims, followed back far enough in history, fall far short of a claim to absolute deity.

Clearly, if one wants to look for the Creator, the Big Creator, the Ultimate Creator, the One beyond whom we can go back no further because He existed before all things, one must look elsewhere.


Is Amen-Ra good?

The ancient Egyptians themselves seemed to be more concerned with their god’s power, glory, and ability to intervene on their behalf than they were with ethical questions of goodness.  Modern Afrocentrists have claimed that all the gods are good, usually as a simple affirmation with no supporting evidence offered.

One of the most telling stories about the real nature of this deity is the historical story concerning the coffin of a princess-priestess of Amen-Ra.  The priestess who served Amen-Ra was buried in a deep vault atLuxor.  Her mummy case was later exhumed, perhaps by grave robbers, and sold in 1890 to a wealthy Englishman, who drew lots with four friends for the honor of purchasing it.  After he sent the coffin to his hotel, he was seen walking out toward the desert and never returned.

The second man was accidentally shot and his arm had to be amputated.  The third man arrived home to find that his entire life savings had disappeared in a bank crisis.  The fourth man became severely ill.  He lost his job and ended up selling matches on the street in order to survive.

When the coffin reachedEngland, a London businessman purchased it.  Soon three members of his family were injured in a road accident and his house was badly damaged by a fire.

He donated it to theBritishMuseum.  As the coffin was being unloaded at the museum, the truck suddenly went into reverse and trapped a bystander.  As it was being taken up the stairs, one workman fell and broke his leg.  The other two workmen died two days later for no particular reason.  Both had been in excellent health previously.

When the mummy was placed in the Egyptian Room, the night watchmen frequently complained that they heard sobbing and hammering coming from the coffin.  Other exhibits were thrown around during the night.  One watchman died while on duty.  A visitor flicked a dust cloth at the coffin, and his child died soon afterwards.

The mummy caused so much trouble at the museum that they had it removed to the basement.  Shortly, one of the movers became seriously ill and the supervisor who had ordered the move was found dead on his desk.

The newspapers heard about the mummy and came to take pictures of it.  When the pictures were developed, one was so horrible that the photographer shot himself.

The museum sold the mummy to a private collector.  It brought many deaths and continual misfortune to his family.  Finally he put it up in the attic to get rid of it.

A well-known occultist, Madame Helena Blavatsky, visited the home.  As soon as she came in, she began shivering uncontrollably and said there was an evil someplace in the house of incredible intensity.

Finding the coffin, the owner asked her to exorcise the spirit, but she could not.  She said “Evil remains evil forever,” and urged him to get rid of the thing.

However, so many people had died and met such calamity from exposure to the thing that no British museum anywhere would take the thing.  Finally an American archaeologist bought it and arranged to send it toNew York.  In 1912 he escorted his new possession aboard an ocean liner bound forNew York.  On April 14, in the midst of unparalleled scenes of horror, the priestess of Amen-Ra took 1,500 passengers to their deaths in the icy waters of the Atlantic along with the Titanic.

I’ll let you decide.  Does Amen-Ra sound like a benevolent deity to you?


Is Amen-Ra all-powerful?

 Many Egyptologists regard Ptah as originally being the overlord of Ra.  Ra was a local god—the god ofThebes, who eventually became elevated and worshiped by others as well. 2

Ra was ascribed creative powers by some, yet other legends show him as a feeble old man.  In one story the goddess Isis contrived and succeeded in forcing him to whisper to her his secret name.  Even the way she contrived shows Ra in a weaker position.  He had grown old and drooled, the story goes.  SoIsis mixed his saliva with earth to make a snake.  The snake bit Ra and he was in terrible agony.  Only Isis could cure him.  She refused to do so until he gave in and told her his secret name.  Does Amen-Ra sound like an all-powerful god on whom you would like to call for help?

If the ancient Egyptians were confused about who the real God was, He did not leave Himself without witness.  According to the Holy Scriptures, God sent His own chosen* people to live amongst them for four hundred years as His witnesses.  Then He chose Moses to witness before a hard-hearted Pharaoh the truth that He was far more powerful than any of the gods they worshipped.

The first miracle Moses did was to have Aaron throw his rod down before Pharaoh (Genesis 7) When it became a snake, this must have brought to Pharaoh’s mind the legendary snakes of the primeval waters from whom the other gods of Egypt were believed to have come.  It should have showed Pharaoh that He was dealing with a power older and more powerful than that of any of his gods.  The magicians ofEgypt, it is true, followed by also bringing forth snakes.  Yet Aaron’s snake ate up all of theirs.  This was a preview of events to follow.  God  spoke gently at first, but when Pharaoh refused to acknowledge Him, other, more devastating events followed.

The plagues that followed showed God’s power over the main gods they worshipped—even over the Nile God, the primeval frog gods, and even over Ra, the sun god (Exodus 7-10).  When Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Hebrews go, he soon changed his mind and chased after them.  They were cornered at the Red Sea with no escape, but when Moses lifted up his rod over the waters in obedience to God’s command, God made a strong wind to blow so that a path appeared in the sea and they escaped.  When they were safe across the water, God stopped the wind so that the sea returned and drowned the Egyptians who were seeking to kill them (Exodus 12).

But why could the Egyptians not call on Amen, the ancient god of the wind?  Perhaps they did, but they were facing the God who created the earth’s atmosphere and who designed and controls the wind He made.  When God the Creator blew, Amen could not stand.  God the Creator had clearly and forcefully shown that even if Amen ruled some lesser gods, He the Creator ruled over all, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


Is Amen-Ra worthy of our worship and devotion?

The modern Afrikania movement calls on all sons and daughters of Africa to “return” to the worship of Amen-Ra.  In fact, of course, only a tiny tiny percentage of Africans ever worshipped Amen-Ra, so such a call to return must be based on something other than historical reality.  To many, Amen-Ra is seen as a unifying force that can bring all Africans together.  But is this god worthy of the position that so many want to give him in our modern world?

It has been established that Amen-Ra is not the God who created us.  He is not all-powerful, and he is not a benevolent deity.  But there is another reason why, brothers and sisters of Africa, we must not succumb to worship Amen-Ra.

Any deity, any spirit, any person other than our Creator who seeks or accepts worship is not beneficent.  That deity is not seeking the good of humanity.  The Bible makes this very clear.


How long has Amen-Ra been worshiped?

Amen-Ra rose to power in the 18th Dynasty. 3 Seventeen families of kings ruled Egypt before Amen-Ra was recognized as a central deity!  If that is returning to our African roots, my brothers, we have not gone back far enough.


I will choose “Amein” moving forward.

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Dedicated servers
7 years ago

Protestant denominations, as well as almost every Jewish congregation, in line with modern Hebrew pronunciation. The use of the initial amen, single or double in form, to introduce solemn statements of Jesus in the Gospels had no parallel in Jewish practice.

5 years ago

I had used ‘Amen’ for a long time after my prayers, not knowing it was for a godless god of ‘hidden’ or sun-God! So I have stopped and using the proper Amein instead.
May God Almighty forgive me in Jesus Name – Amein.

Reply to  admin
1 year ago


Dakdak Reyes
Dakdak Reyes
4 years ago

As a Filipino Hebrew by bloodline,
I also ,never use amen in ending a Prayer, instead I say SI YAH NAWAH, which means, God Almighty reigns as His majesty or beauty and His righteousness prevails and shines through His people..
By the way never ever say jesus, Because the origin is in Hebrew name, Adonai Yashuwah Messiah… Yashuah is use by others but as a Pilipino or Maharlikans or Ophirians, we spell it and pronounce it with the letter W ..
And God Almighty is Elohim Yahuwah.

Kevin Belgrove
Kevin Belgrove
3 years ago

All you have to do now is accept the true Hebrew names of our Heavenly Father and His Son.

Father …Yahuah
Father …. Yahuah Elohiym
Son…. Yahusha Ha’Mashiach
Ruach HaQodesh… not the sun spirit=Holy Spirit.

3 years ago

Ok, now you need to stop using the false, incorrect translation of the Messiah’s name, because proper nouns do not translate. We say a persons name in what ever language it was given. We do not call spanish people names Juan John. EVen though that is the translation. Why do we insult our Messiah by even attempting to translate his name? His name is YESHUA! He is NOT Latin.

Exception BrokenError
Exception BrokenError
5 years ago

Very comprehensive, I must assert… May The All Highest, Who is God over all the heavens and the earth, continue to be your Lught, Truth, and Guide.
A man have had the strangest of experiences, so that he is impelled to search diligently for the historical truth that is at least nearest to our foundation as people with past, as people with A Creator. THE CREATOR…

5 years ago

Very Informative.

4 years ago

Info was great only thing I question, if you are using Amein, which would be correct. Then why do you still use God and Jesus Christ which is incorrect as well. Iat the beginning of the article I saw the correct name of the Abba(father). YAHUAH BAHASHEM YAUSHUA HAMASHIAH. If you are going to pray my brother then don’t correctly in its entirety and you may reap more benefits. Curious to hear your response. No looking for a debate more just understanding in your thoughts

Bibek Rai
Bibek Rai
4 years ago

Very very good informstion

Alice Harmon
Alice Harmon
4 years ago

I love this explaination. Thank You for posting this!!! Amein!!!

Doreen Rambharose
Doreen Rambharose
4 years ago

I’m hoping that the NAME of Jesus is the correct NAME in English for the SON of God (KING Yahusha HaMaschiach)

It was pointed out to me that:
Je-sus means: JE means hail
Sus means Zeus

So when we say Jesus, we are saying hail Zeus.

So when we say Je-sus we are hailing Zeus

3 years ago

Hmm, I’m still conflicted over the use of “amen” or “amein” because of the Hebrew word אמנ (with the vowels considered) does pronounce as “amen”.

But that aside, I find it odd that a video I recently viewed (posted in 2017) followed exactly the same words used in that document:

I am referring to this link you included:

However, I am extremely sceptical of the accounts in the “Is Amen-Ra good?” section…
As a result of my search (amenra priestess coffin on titanic), I was led to the following wiki page and in it is mentioned that none of the events has “any basis in fact” :

But anyway, more research is required on my part!

Thank you very much! 🙂

Sean Haskins
3 years ago

God’s Name is Yah, or Yahweh. Christ’s Name was and still is Yahoshua. Then there is the Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit. Together they are the Elohim, or El.

Corazon Evangelista
Corazon Evangelista
3 years ago

I believe all of that! Bible was corrupted as it was translated by the Greek Tanakh Septuagint by the order of King Ptolemy II of Egypt, also a Greek (Babylonian). They should not include in the translation the true sacred name of the Father & Son. Another thing lost in translation the legal terms, vocalization & deep meaning. Just a bit, it’s misspelled name of our Elohim. From 4-letter tetragrammaton “YHWH.” Paleo Hebrew used by Moses had no vowels except Aleph “a” & Ayin “i” when he wrote the Torah. Therefore it’s easy to read: YaHaWaH. Likewise Joshua’s Hebrew name is Paleo Hebrew without the sound of “e”, “o”, “u” because it was still the time of Moses. Not Yeshua or Yehoshua, but “Yahawashi”, meaning Saviour that being said our Messiah’s name is Yahawashi.

King Amen Tut Ahnk
King Amen Tut Ahnk
3 years ago

I see you are pretty uneducated in Egyptian history with a lot of half truths. Also the way RA became the most high is the same way Yehweh become the most high. Yaw the samarian god of fire and weh the warrior god later combined to make yehweh the most high. This is every religion.

Anne Fellows
Anne Fellows
3 years ago

In reference to some of the comments, I am amazed how eager people are at using the correct word at the end of prayer, and that is commendable, but it does concern me that the Name of our Creator does not receive the same precedent. When the title “God” is used in reference to our Master, is he not also being associated with the same title as that of the millions of deities, gods and idols worshiped by the nations of the world?
Should we not be as eager to use His REAL Name, YaHaWaH, which He Himself gave to Moses on the mountain and which has been handed down to us through the Hebrew texts? Substituting His name with the common title of common and dead idols, Psalms 135:15-17, is a most grievous offence and is in essence blasphemy in the highest degree, Exodus 20:7, even here in the very Scripture which forbids the removal of the Father’s Name, the champions of paganism have been guilty of extreme blasphemy in removing the Name of YaHaWaH and inserting the substitutes “Lord” and “God,” as has been done in the rest of Scripture.
Our Father’s Name and that of His Son are ONE and the same.
The word “shua” is Hebrew for “Salvation” and forms the latter half of our Redeemer’s name Yahoshua, which means, “Salvation of Yah,” but is shortened to Y’shua. The name “Jesus” bears NO meaning or resemblance to the Father’s Name but is instead a hybridized form of the Greek deity “Zeus” and therefore has no reference to salvation at all but is rather a reference to pagan sun-god worship.
It is my prayer and hope that all followers of YaHaWAh will do His bidding and answer the call to “Come out of her, My people….Revelation 18:4” and that means to make a clean cut with the lies we have inherited from our fathers, Jeremiah 16:19, it means to remove even the smallest fragment of paganism and wash ourselves in the blood of our Redeemer, to be presented SPOTLESS before Him to whom we must give account.

3 years ago

Great truth. Yah bless you all.

Valerie Hay
Valerie Hay
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. Very informative.

Dr Jacques Van niekerk
Dr Jacques Van niekerk
2 years ago

Awesome facts about the word

2 years ago

I am new to the site and am just trying to open my eyes and find the truth as I search. This information is very informative and interesting. I will use Amein in my prayers from now on going forward. I really enjoyed the read. Thank you

Marc demell
Marc demell
2 years ago

No matter what satan cannot win.HalleluYAH!

2 years ago

I had read a brief article on Amen being an Egyptian god of sort, thus I have been using the pronunciation and spelling of Amein. This evening I was reading in a book of Hebrew Aleph Bais and decide to dig deeper when I came across this article!! EXCELLENT research as well as deeply informative!! Many thanks for your intense writings on this not so popular subject that needs to be exposed.
I yearn for TRUTH!! Just as found in the name of Yahshua Messiah!! Blessings! Shalom!

2 years ago

Perhaps Satan makes it amen because it’s about man and man’s capability. Humanism etc. The physical aspect of this world.

2 years ago

ok we agree on Amein and what about His name, not being jesus

1 year ago

Wow..I just started listening to a messianic podcast. They all say amein and didn’t know why. Now I do. I had no idea that it was invoking amen-ra’s name. I’m trying to get away from paganism in the church and learn the true and correct way to worship. I have a long way to go…I’m my own stumbling block..
Thanks for the amazing insight and history on the matters associated around this evil entity.

1 year ago

It is imperative that we understand the phonetic and historic understanding of words. Jesus is the word (John 1:1) therefore he gave us his word so we can understand the power of his word, end of words in general. ( proverbs 18:21 death in life is in the power of the tongue and those who love it shall eat the fruit of it!) It is time for the sons and daughters of God to come out of the mixture and the blending of the seed of the western church! (Leviticus 19:19) thou shalt not gender diverse seed in my field. When you mix good seed and bad seed you sterilize your harvest! Thank you for the exposition it is true and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free!!

Susan Gante
Susan Gante
1 year ago

This is a learning day for me. I heard 2 men from Tennesee say a strange procounciation of the word Amen. Been looking on line to find more about what I thought was a dialect. Your article enlightens me about the fact that it may not be a regiional pronounciation. Will be looking for mor more informations. It happened to be in a Messianic service so that may be why it sounded so odd to me. It did sound like Amein. Just never happen to hear it in other services.

1 year ago

I need you, if you’re reading this to watch this video.

And the rest of the videos on his channel.

You have found a crack of the truth, there is a whole ocean of truth behind this.

Keep seeking you’re getting close to seeing the deception of the world. Thank you for this post! AMEIN. 🙏🏽🤎

1 year ago

Moving forward I will also… thanks for the education brother.

Michelle Z
Michelle Z
10 months ago

Thank you for your research. The amen at the end of prayers was bothersome to me too because of amen Ra. We are being tricked to give glory at a god that was before Judaism ever existed. I use three words to end my prayer now : emet= truth emunah= steadfastness firmness fidelity and Selah = to lift up/ exult.